"If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." John 14:14 (KJV)
Its sad theirs a mix up in the world. This is a great truth though! If you look into the Modern Christan teaching, Joel Olseen (http://www.joelosteen.com) will tell you the truth. Sometimes it seems though as that opinion is to make it look silly. Theirs alot that say his teaching is incorrect too. This part is right on! Though its maybe taken to extremes.
Many don't take it serious, but having faith in YHWH will take you alot farther. If you trust and put your faith in that you'll be provided for you will! Sad thing is that I see many taking this as greed or ignoring it.
Seriously though, express what your needs are to YHWH then take the faith that you'll be provided for! The bible tells us to ask for what we need and it will be given to us! Their is alot of faith in that, and its something YHWH's children should follow!